I guess since it has only been a month since people tagged me, I will finally get around to doing it!
Jobs I've had- Babysitter (starting at age 9; seriously), housecleaner, retail (Bugle Boy, Danskin, and Old Navy) Babysitter (again), telephone call center (worst job ever!), Wellness consultant (those paid jobs and those unsolicited by my family!), aerobics instructor, wife & mother (my two favorites).
Places I love to go for a weekend- I would love to go anywhere for a couple of days alone with my husband. I believe it has been 5 1/2 years since we have had time alone!
Guilty pleasures- eating, watching T.V., and reading. The best is making it a combination like eating while watching T.V. or reading. I try not to read good books anymore because I become a hermit when I am in the midst of a good book or series. Thank heavens Luke can pour cereal and milk for himself and Noah.
Places I have lived- Colorado, Utah (Woodland, Murray, and Provo), Jerusalem, Tulsa, and Las Vegas.
First thing I thought when I saw Rick- "Joni's date is WAY cuter than mine!" "He has such a cute butt."
Places I've been on vacation- Las Vegas, North and South Carolina, Yellowstone, California, Florida (twice), Hawaii (twice), Georgia (can you count Airborne school as a vacation?) Lava Hot Springs (unfortunately), Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Hong Kong, Mexico.
Favorite Food- Potatoes. Anyway you can think to make them.
If I am in a jam with Rick- nothing. I have exhausted my bag of tricks with him. He no longer responds to crying, silent treatment, screaming, or sleeping on the couch. I just have to get over it.
Best first kiss landmark- Kamas Derby! Actually it was after the derby, but in my mind my first kiss with Rick will always be linked to crashing cars and drinking, swearing, screeming derby fans (read: white trash)
Places I'd rather be- I think we all know I'd rather be in Utah!
St Lucia
2 months ago