It feels like we have just gone 9 rounds with a heavyweight boxer, and the Gunnerson's are officially down for the count.
It all started last week when Noah woke up on Monday morning with a scratchy throat and a cough and by Tuesday morning he had a fever. I tried to just give him enough medicine to keep him from burning up and pretend that he would get better any day, but it didn't work. By Friday evening I took him to the clinic in Park City to see if I could find out what was wrong. I no sooner walked in the door and let them take his temperature and pulse-ox than they were calling an ambulance to take us to Primary Children's. They were convinced he had pneumonia. I tried to talk them into letting me drive him there myself, but with his oxygen at 79% they weren't having it. An ambulance ride, chest x-rays, snot test, and doctors evaluation later they confirmed that Noah did indeed have pneumonia. They didn't admit him to the hospital because the doctor said at his age a lot of kids do better at home than being traumatized at the hospital. (I think his kicking and screaming and refusing to be touched gave her that idea.) His oxygen had come up above 90% so we just brought him home. He actually started feeling better the very next day and now the only problem is getting him to take his medicine without 30 minutes of fighting about it!!!
Friday I also noticed that Elijah was getting a little cough too and I just prayed that it wasn't the same thing. By Saturday he also had a fever and I felt like I was having a bad case of deja vu. Again I tried to just wait out his fever and hope that he got better, but once again it was no use. Tuesday I took him to his pediatrician to find out if I had a double case of pneumonia on my hands. His oxygen was also very low, but his doctor said that his lungs didn't sound like pneumonia, it sounded more like RSV. They did an RSV test, but it came back negative. His doctor was stumped so once again we were sent to Primary Children's. At least this time they sent us with an oxygen tank and NOT in an ambulance. Now it was Elijah's turn for chest x-rays and snot tests. By the time I was back up the canyon and back to the doctor's office she informed us that Eli did not have pneumonia, but DID have RSV. Because his oxygen levels couldn't stay up Eli had to come home with the newest member of our family, the oxygen tank. Today we were back to the pediatrician to see if things had improved, but they hadn't. So we will continue to go everyday to the doctor to see if my baby can get better. Also today the doctor said that his ears are infected.
I'm really trying not to feel sorry for myself. We are very lucky that both boys were well enough to be at home and not in the hospital. Noah has recovered very quickly, and I am hoping that with his oxygen and his medicine Elijah will get better soon. Now all I need is a good night's sleep and a little oxygen of my own!!!!
St Lucia
2 months ago
Oh man... I am so sick of this winter crap and everyone getting sick. I swear I don't dare let Sienna leave the house for fear of her catching the RSV bug... My poor little niece Emma was in the hospital for 5 days with the same thing. I hope the boys recover quickly and when it's all over make Rick send you for a nice massage. The spa in Midway/Heber, Rejuvinate is AMAZING!!!
Oh I know how you feel. Ella got sick 1st then the twins got sick. When we took them to the doctor he told us that the twins both had RSV! It is now 3 weeks later and everyone is all better.
That can be some scary stuff. I hope everyone gets well soon. We are thinking of you.
The boys really have been very miserable. I have felt so sorry for both of them. It seemed like Noah felt instantly better, but poor little Eli -- he can't even kick his mother like you do a horse, because he doesn't feel good enough. He just fusses and lays his head down occasionally. I'm not sure why they have all this respitory stuff, but I am praying they will be better soon -- before Olivia drops and I have to start carrying her around!
That sounds like a really rotten week. I am glad you got them to the doctor. I once took one kid in with my baby in the carrier and they told me the one I brought in was fine, but my baby (who I thought was just fine) was on the verge of RSV. Talk about feeling like mother of the year... Good luck and I hope you get some rest soon.
Oh no, I hope the little boys feel better soon! I hate to see them so sick. Poor little babies.
I'm sorry. Liam had RSV when he was a baby, spent almost two weeks in the hospital, with 5 days in ICU. And then we came home with oxygen, so I've been there, done that. It is so not fun.
All the cliches are true... it doesn't last forever... you will feel rested someday...blah, blah, blah.
Unfortunately, it doesn't really help now.
Oh my! You poor thing. . . At least Eli is still the cutest baby around - oxygen tubes and all!
You are amazing to handle it all AND live to blog about it. Good job.
I am so sorry that your boys are so sick. Hopefully Eli will get better soon and you can get back to Normal life ( whatever that is).
Olivia!!! I am so sorry!! That sounds aweful!! I hope that he recovers quickly! I am glad that Noah is getting better! We will keep you in our prayers!!
(PS-that picture of the boys on top is absolutely adorable!!!!)
Been there done that! The only thing is you did it twice in a week! Once was enough. If there is any way to look at it in a positive note lets just remind ourselves of the other ladies we know from Yoga! Thanks for the yoga time. I have at least 30 minutes in the day when I do nothing but BREATH!
It is bad enough to have one kid sick, but to have two- that is horrible! I am so sorry. I sure hope they start feeling better soon. I honestly can't believe how many sick kids that we have seen these past two months. It is crazy! I am just surprised that Cam hasn't picked up anything yet. I hope you get some rest soon!
Oh my word, you've had a terrible week. I am so sorry. I hate when the kids are sick and just lethargic, I'd rather it be me that is sick and not feeling well rather than my sweet babies anytime. Poor Noah. We hope they are all feeling better soon!
Hang in there Mom- you are doing a great job with those boys!
Olivia you poor thing- the only thing worse than one sick child is two. I feel for ya. I'm sure things will turn around soon.
Wow - you really are down for the count! I am so sorry to hear about the boys. I hope you all get feeling better soon and can all get some rest. What a sad/cute picture of Eli. I'm sorry Rick and Olivia!
I am so sorry! There is nothing worse in the world than sick kids. Especially when you throw in the oxygen and the worry. I hope they all, especially Elijah get feeling better. RSV in never fun. Best of luck with the oxygen. Duncan was on it until March when we had him. A little different situation, but all the same they hate the oxygen and the cannula. I'll be thinking of you!
I heard you were having some terrible luck with sick kids. Those little ones must not be use to this artic weather. We were in PCMC for 3 days 2 years ago and it was the worst! At least you didn't have to stay. We had the joy of the giant O2 tank at our house for like 2 weeks and it was a pain! Half the time she would pull the tubes out of her nose and chew on it. Good luck getting them all well and keeping them well!
It seems like I already read this and comment?!?
Anyway-I'm very sorry you were all so sick. I think its worse on the nurse that has to take care of all those sickies than the sickies themselves! You need a vacation're going on one down here soon! Can't wait!
I'm so sorry your boys have been so sick! Isaac and Sophie have been sick too, and it's frightening when they have fevers. Hang in there, and don't forget to get some sleep when you can. Otherwise... it might get you too!
That is so sad. Poor boys! Poor parents! It is good to hear that they are doing well. Wish I could help.
I'm so sorry about your two little boys!! I hope that they get better soon and that little Eli will lose the oxygen tank.
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