Have you met me? If you have, you probably know that I am not what you would call a dog person. In fact I'm not really much of an animal person at all. I know what you are thinking, How can you not like dogs, or cats, or ANIMALS in general? What kind of person are you? I don't know! I know it wasn't always this way. I have seen a cute picture of me and my little brother when I was about 3 years old, and I was holding a dog on my lap hugging it! I can remember getting kittens when I was around 7 years old and taking care of them like they were our babies. I grew up around all kinds of animals on a farm... I had my own calf that I would feed from a bottle for heaven sake. But as the years have passed I have grown increasingly less fond of animals and now I really quite dislike them. It might be the hair, the smell, or the fact that dogs are always either jumping up on you or sticking their nose in you bottom! Whatever the reason, I don't like dogs. So when my mom and dad left on vacation and needed someone to get their dog (actually their granddog) from the vet I was the most unlikely candidate, but the lot fell to me anyway because I was pretty much the only one available.
Once I had reluctantly agreed to get Bella from the vet I immediately started wondering HOW I was going to get her. My dad suggested that she could just ride in the back of my Tahoe. MY Tahoe? I don't think so. My thoughts went to all the other vehicles around here... I could take my dad's little truck, but with the baling twine and pepsi cans I didn't think there would be enough room in the cab for me and my three boys. I could take my Explorer; sure it had been in a crash last winter and you could no longer open the doors on the driver's side, the windows are broken out, and it is highly illegal to drive a car in it's shape, but it was an option. I could take my dad's car, but I thought the people at the vet's office would not think it wasn't too humane to put the dog in the trunk for a 25 minute ride home. I was stuck, I HAD to take the Tahoe. I figured that as long as I put her in the pet porter at least she wouldn't get hair all over. So I loaded up the boys and the pet porter and headed to Heber.
When I walked into the vet's office I noticed all the "Please keep your dog on a lease." signs. Oh great, I didn't bring a leash. Does that mean I have to hold her by the collar? That would mean that I actually had to touch her! Thankfully when the assistant brought her out they had one of their leashes on her. Okay, I can do this. I can act like I am not the worst dog hater in the world. The assistant handed me the leash and said, "She might be a little groggy from the medicine." YOU THINK? She was leaning against the wall and wouldn't even walk. I lightly pulled on the leash and in my sweetest voice said, "Come on Bella, come on girl." Then I clicked my tongue. What an idiot! You click your tongue to make a horse go, not a dog! I was sure the assistant wondered what on earth I doing. Needless to say, the sweet voice and tongue clicking did not make Bella move. I continued to tug on her leash (with increasing force) and begged her to come. She didn't move. To get her to the door I had to pull while the assistant pushed her. Thank heaven that the floor was tile so she could slide on her bottom! Once we got her to the door the fresh air put a little life in her and I actually got her to walk to the car.
I knew it would be difficult for Bella to get up into her porter in the back in the Tahoe because on a good day Bella is what would could call lazy, she is a lab after all. So I just decided to take one for team McNeil and lift her front paws up onto the bumper and let her jump the rest of the way. Good plan, but Bella was not having anything to do with it. I was able to get her front paws on the bumper, but she was too out of it to realize she had to help with the rest. I knew I wasn't going to be able to get her into the porter because she weighs about 70 pounds, and I didn't even know where I could hold her without hurting her incisions. I reconciled myself to the fact that I was going to have to walk back into the vet's office and ask for help. How humiliating. Just as I was turning toward the office I saw that the assistant was coming out to help. Had she been watching me the whole time? Great. Again she must think I am a total idiot. With two grown women to do the work, we were able to get Bella into the porter in the back of my Tahoe. She was seriously out of it. She didn't even bend her legs or lower her head to actually fit through the opening! I had to do it for her. The ride home was very uneventful, Bella wasn't really even moving.
I knew that once I got her home there was no way I was going to be able to get her OUT of the pet porter. I also knew that I wasn't strong enough to lift the porter out of the car with her in it, so I opened the back hatch and let her stay! Rick could deal with this when he got home. To tell you the truth, I don't hate Bella. I actually felt sorry for her in her drugged induced state leaning against the wall, unable to even move. I'm just not sure I like her enough give her the love she deserved after her little operation. I have to reconcile myself to the fact that I am sure I will own a dog someday. With three boys and a husband who like dogs, I am sure it will happen. For now, I will just be happy when I am finished dogsitting!
St Lucia
2 months ago
That is when you know your daughater is truly devoted and will do whatever is required by her parents, when she will go through this all of this just to do what her "Daddy" asked her to do. Dad and I have been rolling all over Giselle's kitchen floor laughing at each sentence. What a great story teller, you are, Olivia! Thank you, thank you, from the bottoms of our hearts! You will really think it was worth it when we aren't having little, rollie, pollie black labs ini aboaut 6 weeks from now. Even though they are so adorable when they'r puppies, one must remember whata big, 70-pound labs looks and act like when they are grown. Take a look outside at BJ and Bella!
We love you! Thank you so much!
PS - Dad said if you can jump out of airplanes and put up with "black hats," you can do anything!
Way to take one for team McNeil! Great job! That was very nice of you and what an adventure. I wish I could've watched the whole thing though. I guess I'll just have to settle with the images in my head after reading your post - you should write books, it's great!! I hope all is well with you guys, we miss you!
I'm laughing, this is seriously funny! I can't help but relate to the ENTIRE story though. I've never really been too much of a pet person either, and Scott would love to have a dog...not me, I don't even like having a fish. It's all too much work for me.
Even though you had already told me the story, I am still dying of laughter at you re-telling it! You're the best doggy Aunt around! Just remember, isn't BJ actually supposed to be your boys' dog? I thought that was the deal in mom and dad keeping him, if you guys moved, he would be yours? Anyway, thanks again, Bella was really thankful to you!
Ialso have a vision of you pushing arthritic dog of the people we used to babysit off of the table as they walkin the door. If only the story endede there?!?!
Great story! I have to admit that I share your same feelings. I am not a dog person, but may lose the fight one day. Why do I need a dog when I three kids and a husband to take care of? Besides, who would end up taking care of it? Hmmmm, that would be me.
I'm sort of the same way about pets in my old age. We had the same dog for 18 years and she was the best. She lived inside and even slept with us but I just can't get excited about having a dirty smelly dog at my house, inside or out no matter how cute it is. My girls keep asking for one but the more I research what breed to get, the more I talk myself out of it. We did have a chicken for a while but our neighbor made us get rid of it :)
First of all I want to say thanks for doing this daunting task for me even though I knew you wouldn't want to. I knew that if you thought back to your Ranger Challenge days of crawling through the dirt and rocks of the hand grenade assault course with mud coating your teeth, of running 6 miles (all while dragging a 200 pound team mate and carrying your own 35 pound rucksack and rifle), that a little trip to the Vet with a 70 pound black lab would seem easy. Could it be harder than going hand over hand hanging underneath a slack rope on the rope bridge? I don't think so. Could it even compare to sitting in a hot, sweaty, stinky airplane with two parachutes strapped to your body waiting for your turn to struggle forward and leap out into the emptiness at 1200 ft? Child's play! I knew you could do it as you have done everything in your life that you have set your stubborn McNeil mind to do. That's why I love you so much. Thanks again my dear daughter.
You're hilarious! I was laughing out loud at your adventure!! Just another reason I love you as my friend! Great story!
I wrote a whole comment, then realized I was posting as Mom! Dang...
Oh well. That was AMAZING, Olivia... you had me rolling throughout the entire post. You are such a good daughter... Bella is eternally indebted to you.
I'm laughing OUT LOUD!!! Oh my - I totally lost it at you trying to "act like you're not the worst dog hater in the world." part. And then it just got better.
Hilarious post. Glad I'm not the only "dog hater" in the universe.
Can I tell you I was laughing the entire time I was reading your post!!! That is hilarious. I can just picture the entire event too. I'm glad you are such a good daughter. The dog owes you for such good care....Take care!!
I completely symathize with you. Since my mission, I have pretty much disliked dogs and most animals (there are a few exceptions like fish). Must have been for all those near nipping and biting experiences. My whole life I have wanted a dog and had one for a short time in high school at one point. Your experience was hysterical and I am grateful I will most likely never have to endure such a thing.
I hear ya! The worst decision I ever made was to let Curtis get a dog. He promised to always take care of it, but I always seem to be the one feeding him or taking him in to get his shots. They are so much work! I did love your story and was just wondering how you got her out of the Tahoe?!
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