Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Am I really the mom?

Every once in a while it hits me that I am a 31 year old mother of three. I know, I know, this shouldn't really be a shock to me, but every once in a while it is. I don't know if anyone else has ever had this strange sensation/realization like I have but here is how it goes... The other night Luke woke up sick and crying because of an infected lymph node. It was 3:30 am and I had been in bed for about one hour since feeding Elijah and getting back to sleep. After giving Luke some medicine (actually Rick got up to give him the medicine) I stayed on the couch consoling Luke and tickling his back until he could go back to sleep. While I was sitting there at 4:00 am comforting my sick little boy, the sensation/realization came on... I am the mom, this is my 6-year-old, when he cries he cries for me, I have brought three children into this world, I am no longer a responsibility free youngster! When did this happen? Each day passes, some exciting some not, and time slowly creeps up on me. I just know that one day I am going to be sitting in Sacrament meeting watching one of my sons pass the sacrament and I will get the same feeling. Or, maybe it will be when I hug a son goodbye as he leaves on a mission. It could be in the temple when I see my child get sealed and I become a mother-in-law. I can see it happening the first time I hold a grandchild in my arms and enjoy a newborn baby without doing the work of getting it here. At all of these times I won't know how time has gotten me where I am, but I will be happy that it has.


Stephanie said...

I think all that Rocky Mountain air is doing wonders for you! I love hearing these kinds of things from you, usually when this realization hits me I am thinking of how I could possibly run away for a few hours and be carefree again... (I'm glad I have good role models like you to keep me going in the right direction!)

A few side notes: I answered that I would use a kid as a weapon, and that I've been in 8 or more fights...I had brothers...I think that's what's boosting my score...I tried again earlier and got 29, so who knows.

When does Luke start school?

Billie Sue said...

You are quite the philosopher -- but absolutely right! Welcome to my world -- and you must admit I'm always warning you about this very thing. Remember when Allen was a little boy and he always had to have his hand on someone's face to go to sleep? I complained about it once and Dad said, "There will come a day when you will wish that little hand was on your face." Well, admittedly, he was correct. Even though days are long and trying -- love and enjoy each and every hour -- for they will be but a memory in the very near future!

Emily said...

Thanks for the good reminder to enjoy each stage of life. You're so thoughtful about being a mom - I love it.

Nicely written.

Anonymous said...

YES!!! I always think about this. My kid are growing up so fast. A lot of my friends in my ward are young mothers with toddlers. I have somehow already become one of the older moms. When did this happen? I guess all we can do is enjoy each stage. I think this life will be over before we know it!

Foote Family said...

I just had this run through my mind yesterday as I was taking my 9-year-old to the doctor, then running over to the clinic for her medication. Am I really old enough to be a mother to a 9, 7 and 2 year-old? Is it really me running them to appointments, volunteering at their schools, going to sport practices and lessons? Where has the time gone?! I do know that this craziness will pass and I too will yearn for these days again. I force myself everyday to appreciate the caos of my life.

McNeil Family said...

Olivia you must be very happy there in Woodland. I'm so glad you are enjoying your boys so much. I don't think it would be hard because they are such cute little boys.

Vanessa said...

I feel like that too sometimes. It's weird- I don't feel like I know much and am just winging it most of the time and there are these kids that think I know everything. You put it well. I know I'll still be thinking that years from now.