Ah, nothing says the end of the school year like the Kindergarten trip to the zoo. Luke has been so excited about it for a couple of weeks now, and was not disappointed. When he woke up Tuesday morning he was complaining of a tummy ache. I couldn't believe it. I had to miss my kindergarten zoo trip because I was sick. Twenty-five years later I still feel the sting. So I made Luke eat some toast, gave him some pepto, and crossed my fingers he would feel better. It must've worked because he was fine the rest of the day.
I was able to be one of the parents to attend the zoo with Luke and his class. I was lucky because I only had to be in charge of Luke and his friend. They were both very well behaved and didn't run off once! Even though we were there for over four hours I felt like we were in a huge rush to see everything. The boys were especially excited about the snakes and the small animal house. Oh my gosh, I forgot how much that place stinks. I think that they would've stayed in there for much longer if I could've held my breath forever!
We were going full force the whole day and I didn't even let them sit down for lunch. We ate a little here and there while we waited for some shows to start and even ate while we walked from place to place. They loved the whole day but Luke said his favorite parts were the Elephant show (especially when the elephant painted a picture) and the bird show. Luke was doing his best parrot impersonation the rest of the day. It was so fun to see them enjoy themselves so much. At each animal I kept trying to read some of the facts to them, but they were too busy moving on to the next animal to really pay attention. I finally gave up making it a "learning experience" and just let them have fun. (See Rick, I don't have control issues!)
The bus ride down and back were a little less than fun (picture 60 kindergarten kids trapped on the bus for an hour about to explode with excitement about the zoo), but overall the day was great. I can't believe that Luke is done with Kindergarten and will be in school all day next year. I am so glad that I got to go and share this experience with him. And thanks to my sister for watching Noah so I could be Luke's mom for the day.
St Lucia
2 months ago
why is it that husbands think we have control issues? (Mine too) Oh...that's right, it's becasue their lives are simplified because of US! sorry my rant for the day. Horray for the zoo-I agree that place stinks-it's not one of my favorite things to do, but the kids sure do enjoy it! Is luke out of school already?
Yep, the Kindergarten kids got out two weeks before the rest of the school, so Luke is officially on summer break!
I am glad Luke was well enough to enjoy the zoo. Kaden loves going to the zoo. The thing he is looking forward to the most in DC is going to the zoo.:) I can't believe how fast this school year went! Kaden still has three weeks left. If they offer PreK where we move then we are going to put Kaylee in it. It will be so weird to have both kids gone. I don't know if I will know what to do. Maybe I will just have to go shopping! :)
It sounds like you had a great time at the zoo! The zoo here is not much to talk about. It took us less than an hour to get through it and we even stopped for a train ride. I guess everything is a bit smaller in Japan, even the zoo. We here Tokyo has a decent zoo, so we'll have to go when we're there next month.
That's neat that they have an elephant that paints at the zoo. We went to an elephant camp when we went to Thailand where all the elephants painted. It was amazing and one of our favorite parts of the trip!
Best of luck to Luke in 1st grade. In a few weeks I'll have a 4th and 2nd grader. Miranda will be out of elementary school and on to the intermediate school! Where has the time gone?!
What a fun trip! I'm glad you got to go with him - I would want to go, if I could! I bet he really loved having you along, too.
I admire that you even tried to read the educational signs to them. I'm an adult and I don't even glance at them. Jake reads stuff like that - probably one of many reasons why he's so much smarter than me. ;)
I loved the picture with the turtles! I remember seeing a turtle at the zoo when I was 8 yrs old - she laid and buried her eggs right there in front of us. Amazing! The elephant painting sounds really neat - I didn't even know they could do that! I'm sad that we don't have a decent zoo anywhere close to Vegas!
I love to see your new posts! It looks like you're having a little better weather. I miss you here to go swimming with us....
I'm glad the whole trip went well, minus the bus ride! It sounds like he had a blast. I do love those boys, and even though he didn't want to hear the "educational stuff," it probalby sunk in somehow and he will be telling us all the facts of each and every animal at the zoo in no time! Love ya!
I still remember my Kindergarten trip to the Zoo. I'm glad you were able to go be a chaperone for Luke's class...it sounds like a blast, and I'm sure Luke will always remember his trip to the Zoo with his cool chaperone mom.
How fun! Zoo trips are always fun. (Well, most of the time!) I am glad that you only had to keep track of Luke and one other kid though. It would have been much more stressful if you had several rowdy kids! I am also impressed that you walked around that whole time. You are definitely a trooper! I am glad that you all had such a great time and that Luke was able to make it!
It cracks me up that you are still upset that you missed your trip. I'm glad you got to spend the day with him, he will be so glad to have those pics when he gets older. I just can't imagine being on a bus with that many kids. I am getting so excited to see you're new babe!!! The count down is on!
I know I've been lame about updating my blog lately. But I just posted again and will more in the next couple days. I hope you're well. I'll call you.
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