Yesterday, Olivia went in for her ultrasound. I finally convinced her to find out what the sex of the baby is rather than waiting, as we did with the first two. I really should have thought it through a little more. Knowing our chances of having a boy, it was inevitable that Olivia would be upset when we found out (this was even the bulk of my argument for actually finding out - to be upset now rather than at the birth when things should be happy).
What escaped me was the amount of time Olivia would be upset (bad move). Olivia now has five more months of being upset until she can be reminded, with a baby in her arms, how special it is no mater the sex. So for any future babies (if there are any) I'm sure we'll be back to not finding out until the birth. When she came back from her walk this morning she informed me she was crying the entire time thinking about what she will be missing by not having a girl (not buying prom dresses, not planning a wedding - sounds like plusses to me).
In any event, I am excited for another boy; the perfect golfing foursome, another great fishing buddy, another missionary, and close cousins with Jack and "the boy named Sue." Not that a girl couldn't be close with Jack and Sue, but having two close boy cousins myself, I know how fun it will be for Eli.
St Lucia
2 months ago
Dear Liv,
I would have loved to have a girl -- after seeing you and your sisters, as well as my other nieces, how would I not? But when Drew came (and it became apparent that he was the end of the line), we couldn't have been more grateful for having three terrific boys. I don't think this happens randomly. I think Heavenly Father knows that there are mothers who were born to raise sons in these days, and that you and Kristy are two of those. Anyone who's seen Luke or Noah can attest to that. You are a wonderful mom and a terrific person, and the Lord knows what he's doing.
We love you and wonder when you're moving back to Tulsa. (It's a very affordable city!...).
I absolutely understand wanting a girl, but I too think there is real merit in being positive about everything! We can complain sometimes, but then move on. I would really hate to think that olivia would spend the next five months being sad that this baby is a boy. One never knows what Heavenly Father has planned, but we must trust him and know there is a definite reason for everything. Think of the Sons of Helaman and their great mission -- notwithstanding the mission--the thing that made the mission successful was the influence their mothers had on those boys! Think of your priviledge and responsibility to teach a boy what he needs to know to be capable of fighting today's enemies! It is an overwhelming responsibility, and one that you are very capable of, Olivia. Put on that positive hat and be so glad for these little boys you will teach and who will grow to love and adore you! Also, Grandpa needs them to work on the farm and help him! Think what Allen learned working on the farm with his grandpa. Life is beautiful--shed a tear that you didn't get what you wanted at the moment you wanted it and then move on! You are capable!
Three BOYS are AWESOME!!!!!!!
When he comes you'll find out the reason he came before your girl. I can't wait to meet the final installation to the little musketeers. Oh, and Rick when the much anticipated girl comes she too can be a great missionary.
Being the mother a three children who are the same sex I can understand the yearning for a child of the opposite sex BUT I would never give up any of my children. Each one of them has taught me so much and they continue to teach me each day. I cannot begin to tell you how blessed I am to have you as my sister and we have had such a great time over the years so when you get up here I will let you take any of my girls at any time to see what you are missing out on and I will take your boys and fill my wishes of having a boy. If we raise them close to each other maybe we both can share the joy of our children. I love you and I am so excited to have you here!!!
Love the new bacakground -- I just wondered Olivia, did you give your boys the military training with hand placement down the seam of their trousers?
I am so excited for all of you. What a wonderful family you have for this new little one to come into. Have you ever seen the picture of Spencer, Clark, and Keith I have all dressed alike and all in the same pose of a statue I found. They will have such a great time as brothers! Love you!
I was hoping for a girl for Olivia but like I said before you guys have adorable boys!
I think this is the first time I have commented on your blog, sot his is Jan. Anyway, I have three boys now and like you, I really wanted #3 to be a girl. And I too have lamented the fact that I will never get to have pink things in my house or paint fingernails, but I have come to the conclusion (I guess just to be able to keep my sanity) that it takes a very special mother to raise multiple boys, not that I am special yet, but I hope to get there. And I have to agree with your husband that when they put Luke in my arms, I was so grateful he was here and healthy that it was okay. Now that doesn't mean that everytime I look at a baby girl that I don't go "Why not me?". But it's okay.
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