A couple of weekends ago, I finally convinced Rick to head up to the dry farm and work on our future home site. Last summer's project was to plant three apple trees, and this summer I wanted to cut out all of the dead oak trees to allow the ones that are alive go grow bigger and more full. Rick was less than excited for my little project, but I keep telling him that in 10 years when we finally build a house there, we will be so happy that we put the work in now to make our yard beautiful! The first thing we saw when we got up there were three dead apple trees! I AM SO MAD AT MYSELF! We didn't water our trees all summer, mostly because we didn't think about it, but also because I just thought they were established enough that I didn't need to keep watering them. Boy was I wrong. One tree was totally dead, the other two were very, VERY near death. We watered them anyway in hopes that we could revive them.
Rick got going right away with the chainsaw and worked for an hour straight cutting down dead trees and cutting dead branches out of living trees. It was a lot of work because about half of the trees there are dead! The boys and I were in charge of piling up all of the dead wood to be cut for firewood. Luke worked really hard finding all of branches he could and making a huge pile. Noah was pretty scared of the loud chainsaw so he tried to stay away from it. He also took a spill and cut his hand on a stick, so he wasn't too much help on our family work project. I felt like we did a lot of cutting and piling, but there is still a lot to do. We aren't finished with all that needs to be done, but I guess we have a few more years to work on it!
St Lucia
5 weeks ago
I am sorry to hear about your apple trees. Kaden has been begging us to let him plant an apple tree for the past two years. I keep telling Geoff we need to buy a house with an apple tree in the backyard. For now we just have to go to the pick your own apple orchards I guess.
I am sure all of the work you guys are doing now is going to pay off in the future.
It's always nice to look ahead! By the way, I love the pictures of your boys that you took in September - such cuties!
What a fun family activity! You are so smart to start working on your land now. I was SO SAD for you when I read about your apple trees. That is seriously so lame!!!!!! I hope you have luck reviving the 2 that are hanging on!
I'm really looking forward to seeing you next month!
I hope you were able to revive your apple trees! I love the fall look of your blog. I really miss fall it is my favorite time of year.
Come on, haven't you ever seen the Secret Garden? Have faith!!!! Keep up the hard work...you're going to be so happy when all that work pays off in the future. I can't wait to see you this weekend! No, wait, TOMORROW!
Would ya start working on my lot? Looks like the boys were good little workers for you. Hopefully the trees will be revived!
One day we will all live in the garden of Eden and our children will run through the forest. It may be my grandchildren but oh well. I have encouraged Tim to get started on our lot but we still ahve work to do around here!!!
Good job! You have a great idea to keep working on it now! Make sure Rick listens to you, you are very smart!!! :)
You guys are so awesome - out there tillin' your own land!!!!
You go Olivia! Way to teach your kids to work. And just think - one day your apple trees will be huge and ripe. I can't wait. . .
Oh and by the way, I LOVE the Octoberish blog background. I love fall.
I would do that too if I could. I miss having some hard work like that to do- and to make my kids do...it makes for such good character building experiences. I am getting very excited to see you! Your babies are darling in that picture at the top of your blog.
I think it's great that you're teaching the boys how to "work." They'll definitely remember those memories when they're older, and what a great way to teach responsibility!
I hope your two near death trees are coming back to life, because those trees aren't cheap! I think it is a great idea to start working on your yard early so you won't have so much to do when you are ready to build.
It is so exciting that you have your own land to build on. It will be fun to have updates on this process. I love the idea of buying a young tree and planting it as a family. Thus, planting a "family tree". Then you get to watch it grow as your family grows as well. The area looks beautiful, happy building.
Love the new pictures... It looks like the home site is coming along!!! I thought you were building next to your parents? I'm so confused!!!
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