I can't believe that Elijah is 2 months old today. It has gone really fast and I have enjoyed every minute of him. He is such a happy little baby, he is always smiling and making cute little noises to "talk" when you pay attention to him. He is so easy and happy, it makes me think I can do this a dozen more times (not really, but you get the idea). I seriously love this little guy and can't believe how big he is getting already. I just hope that his easy-going personality continues into his toddlerhood and more!
St Lucia
5 weeks ago
I can't believe he is already two months old!!! It has gone so fast. I am happy to hear that he is a good baby. Keep posting pictures as often as you can. He has already changed a lot!
He is such a cutie. How time flies, I know. I hope his personality stays mellow. Being a mom of 3 still seems a little scary to me.
I love that little happy guy! He is growing so quickly and I'm glad I've been able to see him a lot lately.
He really is a happy baby. I felt bad last time that we were home that he smiled at me more than my own baby does. By the way, cougie background...let me guess, gearing up for the national championship run huh? Oh you cougs.
He is so CUTE! I will pray along with you that our sweet third babies will always be this sweet. Are we lucky or what? My extremely NAUGHTY two year old reminds me of this everyday.
I love that sweet babe. I am glad that I have a chance to be close to me while he is so little. Both of your other boys were so far away as babies that they grew up overnight. You are such a great mom!
I am glad that he is such a good baby. I am sure that it makes your life a little bit easier! He seriously is such a cute little guy!
Oh he is so dang cute... I need a boy like yours... We got the sand box done, you really need to bring the boys down... It's HUGE!!!
This little boy really is every bit as good as his Mom says he is. I never hear him cry -- unless he has to be in that horrible car seat and I don't blame him one bit! He does love little kids playing with him and to hear their voices. He is a little Rick looking one too -- that's fair with Luke looking like Olivia and Noah looking like Allen. He is cute as well as good.!
What a cute little guy! Thanks for the updated pictures of your new addition.
He is such a cute happy little guy!!
I was reading your last post and I was crying. I am so glad I am not the only one that came to that realization. But I have also realized what a blessing it is to be the mom. I have to admit you make being the mother look so easy. If we could just stop them from growing up so fast, I an not believe Little Eli is 2 months. He does look like a happy baby with that cute smile!!!
Those are great pictures! Your boys are so cute. I can't believe I haven't had the chance to meet Eli yet. I'm going to have to remedy that soon!! I decided to leave a comment so that there can be a record of it and you can proceed with commenting on our blog without feeling bad. Haha! I miss all you guys and playing with Luke and Noah. I love that there are 2 Noah's in the fam!! We love you guys!
Kaden starts school next Monday. I am kind of sad about it but I know it will be good for him. I would LOVE to check out your family recipe blog. I tried to pull it up and it said it is set to private.
Hey now...I believe that in general I am a good solid commenter! I'm sorry I missed your last post, but I hate getting people worked up thinking I might have a new post by leaving comments when I don't...although I will hopefully be posting a new one tomorrow.
I love that boy. He is so cute and smart and happy...I'm glad you're enjoying your motherhood so much. I can't wait to see Eli and my other boys either. ASAP. Love you guys!
Isn't he darling!!!
Olivia, I SERIOUSLY MISS YOU! I read your comment on Stephanies blog and it made me miss you even more! Why did you have to move? No kidding - on my birthday I was SO homesick for family and I was thinking, "If Olivia were here, we could hang out and I would feel better. I'm not supposed to feel so sad on my birthday!" Not gonna lie, it kinda made me more sad. Whatever. I'm sad that you're not around to be my family and hangout whenever I want. I'm selfish, I know. But your friendship was a blessing from heaven and I'm mad that it's now a bazillion miles away!! !!!!!
So...how are you? ;) <- That's my sheepish grin.
I would be thrilled if we could get together when you come down. I'll try to call soon - I'm not so good with the phone as I am the computer. But I'd really love to chat!
Love you,
PS. How do you subscribe to know when people update?
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